The future we are shaping removes barriers to unlocking potential and gives students the opportunity to live their dreams. Read the full 2023 Appreciation Report to learn more.
Author: umkcwebmaster
End of year giving information
While the UMKC campus is closed during Winter Break, Monday, Dec. 25 through Monday, Jan. 1, it’s still easy to make a year-end gift by observing the following guidelines.
One-Time Gift Spurs Incredible Campaign of Giving
How one man’s final gift will inspire generations
It was an unusually warm and sunny late January day in Kansas City the day that David Westfall, Jr. (J.D. ’55) died. Those who knew him still remember his pleasant manner and giving spirit. At UMKC, his generosity is his legacy, though few here ever knew him at all. Continue reading “One-Time Gift Spurs Incredible Campaign of Giving”
Bold Beginnings: 2022 Appreciation Report
Our work to connect your story to give leads to transformative moments at UMKC, for which we are grateful to recount with you in the 2022 Appreciation Report. You can view the entire report here.